Mix De Produto: qual a sua importância e como identificar o comportamento dos seus clientes?


Have you ever stopped to think about how developing an efficient product mix could be the key to boosting your industry's success in today's market?

In a competitive landscape, identifying and understanding customer behavior is crucial to ensuring the growth and relevance of your company.

In this post, we will explore how Implanta's solutions can be a powerful tool for defining your ideal product mix. Additionally, they can drive the success of your brand in the market, especially when it comes to attracting and retaining customers.


What is Product Mix?

Basically, a product and service mix is a concept used to indicate the diversity offered by an industry to the market. In other words, it refers to the variety of products or services sold.

It's essentially the complete portfolio of offerings from the company, encompassing different categories, models, sizes, colors, and other variations.

So having an extensive and well-segmented product mix for different customer profiles should be a goal for all companies, as it provides a competitive advantage.

That's because this strategy ensures broader market coverage, enabling industries to reach multiple segments and sectors.


Why is it so important?

In an increasingly dynamic and competitive market, a well-crafted product mix plays a crucial role for several strategic reasons:



  1. Market segmentation: a diversified mix allows your company to reach different market segments, encompassing a variety of customer needs and preferences.
  2. Revenue Diversification: offering a variety of products helps diversify the company's revenue sources, reducing dependence on a single product or market segment.
  3. Response to Competition: a comprehensive and well-planned product mix can help your company differentiate itself from competitors and stay relevant in the market.
  4. Adaptation to Market Changes: by keeping up with trends and changes in consumer preferences, your company can adjust its product mix to stay aligned with the market.


In other words, an efficient product mix is not just a collection of items, but a powerful strategy to competitively position your brand in the market.

By understanding market needs, knowing your customers, and making strategic choices, your company will be prepared to achieve success and thrive in today's competitive landscape.


How to Define Your Ideal Mix?

Collecting sell-out data from retail points is a powerful tool to help you define the ideal product mix and strengthen your brand.

With this data, you can:



  1. Understand your customers' behavior: sell-out data provides valuable insights into consumer purchasing behavior. By analyzing which products are selling more and which are selling less, a company can better understand customer preferences and needs.


  1. Anticipate market trends: by analyzing sell-out data over time, a company can identify market trends such as seasonality, shifts in consumer preferences, and demand for specific products. This enables the company to adjust its product mix according to market trends.


  1. Strategic Decision Making: sell-out data helps decision-makers evaluate the performance of different products and categories across various sales channels. This allows the company to allocate resources more effectively, thereby identifying growth opportunities and areas for improvement.


  1. Increase your market share: understanding product performance at retail points is essential for strengthening brand strategy. By ensuring that only high-quality and high-demand products are available at retail, a company can build a solid and positive reputation for its brand.


How Implanta's Tools Can Help You Automate Product Mix Analysis

Implanta's Distribution Visibility platform captures data directly from the ERP systems of your sales channels (distributors, resellers, customers, and POS). This allows the industry to have visibility of its products throughout the supply chain.

With the tool, your industry gains strategic information from its indirect sales channels, such as:

  • Sell Out
  • Inventory position
  • Product performance analysis
  • Inventory stockout rate
  • Seasonality of products
  • Market Potential

and much more.

These data are valuable for your industry to offer the best product mix according to each customer's profile.

This way, you can increase your sales by up to 10%, unlock up to 20% of your distributor's or customer's working capital, and expand your market share.

Talk to one of our specialists now to learn more.

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